Highpoints of Canada

The Canadian Highpoints are wild and wonderful places of snow and ice, deep forests, crystalline waters, and ultimate wilderness. Those who challenge these summits will need perseverance, but the reward will be more than worth the effort.

The articles found on the Highpoint List page are written as a guide to the 13 Highpoints of Canada. The most common route to each summit will be described.  While certain people are mentioned this is not meant to be just a record of any particular person's achievements, but a guide to give information and inspiration to those that plan to visit some or all of Canada's Highpoints.
This website is a collaborative effort between Jack and Tom Bennett.  Most of the initial text found on this website was originally published in Highpointers Club newsletters from Fall 2009 to Spring 2010.  If you have additional info to help keep the content current or have anything you would like added to the site, feel free to contact us.  Our goal is to add your trip reports and additonal specific advice that will help others accomplish their goal to visit the Canadian Highpoints.

Please Read: This web site is a compilation of information gathered from numerous sources. The webmaster has taken reasonable steps to provide you with up-to-date information for a sport that requires strenuous activity and can involve life threatening risks. Your safety depends on your own good judgment, based on experience and a realistic assessment of your ability as well as weather and route conditions. Mountaineering can be a rewarding experience but if you have any doubt as to your ability to safely climb, then you should obtain  information from a guide book and/or take a basic mountaineering course from a qualified climbing instructor.